The VPRA Village News Blog Archive
Your VPRA at work reports - February 2008 Click here for February and March and April Blog Archive
20.02.2008 Traffic Calming.
3rd time lucky for the SBC Contractors to get the entrance table tops right. Core samples have been taken to find out why they are crumbling.

16.02.2008 Village In Bloom
The annual VPRA tidy up around the Airman`s statue took place today with the help of the VPRA volunteers and local councillor Geoff Green and his wife Celia.
14.02.2008 Parkview Home
A well attended meeting at the South Thornaby Community Centre saw people having their say about saving the home. Similar meetings during the day at the Robert Atkinson Centre had local councillors and residents groups putting their cases for the save the home appeal.
06.02.2008 Prime Ministers Petition
Your last chance to sign the online Save Parkview Home Petition on the Home Office website.
01.02.2008 Traffic Calming.
The new entrance table tops have shredded again and SBC are on the way to review once more.
