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April 2011

Welcome to the Village Park Residents Association. Thornaby on Tees

Your residents group for the Village Area.      Membership is free to every household in the Village Area.

(Supported by Stockton Residents & Community Groups Association)

If you see any Anti Social Behaviour no matter how small call Neighbourhood policing on 302930

The VPRA News Blog (click here for past months)

Your VPRA at work reports for April 2011

Click here for CFYA Bin and Recycle Collection Days

29.04.2011 Royal Wedding

Thornaby Town Centre is hosting a royal wedding special today, street market and entertainers plus a lage screen for shoppers to watch the big event.

27.04.2011 ASB

A couple of incidents over the past week have proved the power of people pulling together and reporting ASB and vandalism works.


Last weekend a group of youths decided to light a fire in the new bowl roundabout, it caused no damage just a dirty mess. It was captured on CCTV and the six people involved can expect a knock on their doors in the near future.

Also during the week there were reports of someone on a motorbike in the park, PCSO Michelle Legg spotted the person and although not allowed to chase him she did get to know his name from youngsters who were with him. The person has been visited and served a section 59 notice.

21.04.2011 Neighbourhood in Bloom

Entry forms for this years NIB awards received today and e mailed back. Judging in July/August.

20.04.2011 Hot Weather

Warning from the authorities to keep out of the river and ponds in the area. Water temperatures are still low and the river has strong undercurrents.

17.04.2011 Fly Tipping and Rubbish.

Reported two separate incidents this morning, one on Thorntree Road where it looked like someone had emptied the contents of their garden shed or garage onto the pavement near Sainsbury`s. The other is flats opposite the Oddfellows Pub where a tenant is constantly dumping rubbish out of upstairs windows on to the pavement below.

15.04.2011 Park Update

Brief update from today meeting in the park with CFYA and Parks and Countryside officers.

Wildflower meadow is to go ahead with planting session on May 8th. A lot of Germander Speedwell in full bloom. 2 young girls were busy picking armful’s of the sweet smelling blossoms to take home for their mothers. Although this is permitted we would ask to take care and not pull out by the roots.

Lengthy discussion about some kind of BMX area for the youngsters, we are to look into this more over the forthcoming holidays and ask the youngsters who use the park if our ideas will keep them happy and stop them digging up the area near the wildflower meadow and the bowls club.

Discussed litter in the park, possibly get litter picked Saturday and Sunday mornings instead of Tuesdays and Thursdays. CFYA to report back.

Looked at places to plant Hawthorn Whips, area identified at top end of the park, too late for this spring so we will arrange an Autumn planting day along with a bird box session.

Discussed gates and locking the park at night. Funding is non existent at the moment so we would have to look at grants and donations from third parties. CFYA to review the possibility of a gate on Millbank Lane along with a higher fence. Larger gates and additional gate required on the opposite side of the park.

Youth Probation Service are painting the old fence at the top end of the park, it will be done over the summer but is a slow job.

Discussed overhanging broken trees from houses on Thornaby Road, there is a TPO on them and CFYA arborist is aware and has spoken with the owners. We have asked CFYA to assist and cut away the dangerous overhanging branches.

14.04.2011 Park Meeting

VPRA reps have meeting on Friday afternoon with council officials to discuss current plans for the park and take stock of where we are at with the overall plans for the future.

12.04.2011 Fly Tipping

Reports overnight of someone dumping garden waste and a bag of plaster in the park overnight. Police and enforcement informed. Thanks to Cllr. Sylvia Walmsley for bringing up the issues at a meeting with the police we are now to have extra patrols around the area.

11.04.2011 Thornaby Town Council Elections.

Notices on the SBC site show that the elections next month for TTC are uncontested. 7 candidates in Mandale/Victoria, 3 candidates in the Village and 3 candidates in Stainsby.

Stockton Council Link

11.04.2011 Green Waste

Green Waste Collections start again this month. Last week of the month for Red Collection areas and first week of May for Blue Collection areas.

10.04.2011 The 5 Lamps.

The 5 Lamps installed at the entrance to Thornaby from the A19 opposite the cemetery are looking really good with the spring bedding out in full colour. Full marks to CFYA for their hard work keeping the area tip top.


10.04.2011 Spitfire Roundabout

The Spring planting and blossom are out around the Spitfire making it an excellent setting in the hot sunshine today.



10.04.2011 New Wildlife Meadow

Checking around the new “Hunters Wildlife Meadow” in the park today, daffodils are just about finished but large areas of Speedwell are in blossom.


09.04.2011 Easter Holidays Library Events

VPRA have been asked by Stockton Libraries to help publicise events over the Easter School Break.

Children’s Events in Stockton Borough Libraries

Please contact individual branches for further information and booking.

For all events children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. Photos may be taken during the events. Please make a member of library staff aware if you do not wish your child to have their photo taken.

Billingham Library, Bedale Avenue (01642) 527895

Holiday Crafts Thurs 14th April  10.30-11.30am Booking advised

Egglescliffe Library (01642) 527958

Paper Weaving Thursday 14 April 3:00 – 4:00pm Booking advised

Fairfield Library (01642) 527962

Easter Crafts Wednesday 20th April  2.30-3.30pm Booking advised

Norton Library (01642) 528019

Easter Crafts Hop into Norton library and make some fun Easter crafts

Thursday 14th April 2.30 – 3.30pm Please book in advance as spaces are limited.

Ingleby Barwick Library (01642) 528528

Easter Crafts Sunday 10th April  12 – 1.30pm

Drop in session. Crafts Wednesday 13th April  1.30 – 2.30pm

Please book in advance as spaces are limited.

Crafts Wednesday  20th April 1.30 – 2.30pm

Please book in advance as spaces are limited.

Roseberry Library, Billingham Town Centre (01642) 528084

Easter Crafts Tuesday 19th April  2.30 - 3.30pm Suitable for ages 4+ Booking advised

Roseworth Library (01642) 528098

Easter Crafts  Thurs 21st April  2:00 – 3:00pm Booking advised

Library Express, Wellington Square, Stockton  (01642 527895)

Spring Crafts Thursday 14th April 2:00 – 3:00pm Booking advised

Thornaby Library  Westbury Street  (01642) 528150

Games Games Games: board & card games ,Monday 11th April 2:00pm – 4:00pm  All ages

Spring Crafts Thursday 14th April 2:00pm - 4:00pm  Suitable for ages 5+ Booking advised

Thornaby Gaming Group: PS3 & Wii sessions,

Friday 15th April 2:00pm to 5:00pm  Ages 8 to 18

Games Games Games : board & card games  Monday 18th April 2:00pm to 4:00pm All ages

Yarm Library (01642 528152) Spring Crafts Wednesday 13th April 2:30 – 3:30pm Booking advised


08.04.2011 In Bloom

Judges were around Thornaby today for the spring judging of Northumbria in Bloom then afterwards visited “Thornaby” Durham University on Teesdale. After lunch they had a tour of some of the unique features of the uni including the new sedum roof.

They were very impressed with the amount of colour around the town  and how tidy the area is.

07.04.2011 Britain In Bloom

The Jollies flower bed weeded and tidied up last night ready for Fridays Spring Judging visit to Thornaby.

VPRA reps have been invited to meet the judges for lunch during the tour.

05.04.2011 Enforcement

Message from Stockton Neighbourhood Enforcement to pass on the message they are now extending their shifts to finish at  3 am 7 days a week instead of midnight.

03.04.2011 Linear Park

Nice touch by Thornaby Councillors to propose re naming Linear Park on Mandale to Allison Trainer Park in memory of the late councillor.

02.04.2011 Wildlife Area

Good meeting yesterday with Martin Allen fom Wilflower Ark.We are now planning a planting session for Sunday May 8th in conjunction with Wildflower Ark, planting around 100 wildflower plants donated by them. More details nearer the time.

We were surprised to learn how many different varieties of wild flowers were growing in just one small section of the Wildlife Area, at least 16 in a 10 square metre block.  A couple of links below for some pictures of plants in the park.

Germander Speedwell, Pignut, Sorrel

01.04.2011 Flasher Alert

We received an alert from Stainsby Residents following their meeting last night. A youth has been reported as exposing himself to young girls around the Lancaster way area. Both times he has been reported he was on a Gun Metal dark grey bike. When challenged he went off towards Stirling Way. if you know anything or see anythin suspicious then contact Neighbourhood Policing on 302930.

01.04.2011 Bus Passes

People who use the “ Free” Bus Passes will have to be a small fee from April 1st if they travel before 9.30 am. There are no restrictions after 9.30 am, fares will be 30p per journey before 9.30 am and then free after it.

01.04.2011 Park Wildlife Area

Meeting today in the park with VPRA,CFYA and representatives from the Wildlife Ark to discuss the type of plants to put in the area

01.04.2010 Dog Fouling

There has been a marked increase of dog mess around parts of the area , in fact it is bad all over Thornaby. Enforcement are on the lookout for people who do not pick up after their dogs. CFYA dog wardens are patrolling the worst affected areas and again will prosecute offenders and also impound any stray dogs they come across.


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