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June 2005 was the first Party in the Park which was intended for the younger folk of the area. Held in the Village Park it was decided to make this an annual event.The show was opened by the Mayor of Thornaby Mrs Beryl Robinson and a very hot day made for a good time for all.

Some snaps of the day.










The 2006 Party in The Park was held the same weekend as the 2005 Event.

Unfortunately the weather was against us with a cold wind and showers all day.The event went on although we had to cancel the 5 a side games

 In 2006 we went a step further and had the Tees Valley African Drummers as a focal point for the day along with the usual fairground and stalls










A Great Big Thank you to…

 The marvellous CFYA lad Dave…. For his constant patrol of the area, keeping it clean and for marching the handful of naughty little so and so`s off the site.

The Mayor of Thornaby Cllr Mrs Pat large for her coming back and forth between other events and having a laugh when it went wet, as we sought to find winners. Carol Adams, Jo Robinson (who thought the secretary's wife was from SBC a because he referred to her as the BOSS.. then tried to excuse herself by saying "she's very attractive for someone who is his partner" and thus making it worse and worth embarrassing her with it here).
Dari taylor MP for the gift and words of support on Friday (along with instructions on how not to drink the whisky)

Mr Paul Schneider, of SBC for the cakes he had made and sent to us, Cllr Mrs Allison Trainer for asking him to and the catering dept for making them.

The Tees Valley drummers for their drumming and introducing others to other worlds.

Tristar Homes for the fantastic prize of a DVD player, Christine James from CFYA (and the team) who won it so were glad they came along and Barry Hunter for sorting out the locks keys gates and grass in the Village Park then coming along to take part.

Cllr Mr Ian Dalgarno for the support in organising and the string pulling when things went wobbly,

There's also thanks to Gary Dobbin, the Generator Donator.

Mr Twister for the prizes.

Tees Active, SRCGA ltd and the other guests friends and visitors from local bodies, who supported the event and Us.

Thanks Tony Wilkinson for the fair Rides and turning up on the day.

Most of all, Thanks to The Residents, people and everyone from around the are a who came along. It was great you did…considering the weather.

Thank you all

The 2007 Party in the Park was a themed event with the Northumbria Vikings putting on a tented village showing different types of cooking and lifestyles from the Viking era.

There were displays of fighting and warfare along with Viking Games.

c5c09519_th Click on the picture to see the full set from the day.



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