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Do you Recycle ?

If not you should at least try it

Stockton Council are now starting to Recycle Plastic and Cardboard as well as the glass,tins, papers and green waste.Collections are once a fortnight on the same day as your blue box and bag.

Plastic Yes

All plastic bottles including drinks,washing up and laundry liquids,shampoo and toiletry bottles,cooking oil and baby care.

Clean yoghurt,margarine and butter tubs.

Liquid food and drink cartons(tetra pak style)

Carrier bags, plastic film,wrapping,bubble wrap.

Pot noodle and plant pots.

Plastic No.

Hard rigid plastic,childrens toys,pens etc.

Any item contaminated with food waste.

Black plastic bags.

microwave meal trays,meat trays.

Toothpaste Tubes.

Cardboard Yes

Cereal Boxes. Greeting Cards.

Toilet/Kitchen Roll Tubes

General cardboard packaging such as shoe boxes.

Corrugated packaging.

Pringle tubes,carboard egg boxes,clean frozen food boxes.

Cardboard No.

Pizza boxes, any items contaminated with food.

Any polystyrene such as egg cartons.









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