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June 2011

Welcome to the Village Park Residents Association. Thornaby on Tees

Your residents group for the Village Area.      Membership is free to every household in the Village Area.

(Supported by Stockton Residents & Community Groups Association)

If you see any Anti Social Behaviour no matter how small call Neighbourhood policing on 302930

The VPRA News Blog (click here for past months)

Your VPRA at work reports for June 2011

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29.06.2011 Planning Meeting

Today’s planning meeting voted in favour of the SBC plans to convert to a children’s home. Residents in attendance were angry and are now looking at options if any for an appeal. Normally an objector does not get the chance to appeal.

28.06.2011 VPRA Meeting

Residents at tonight’s meeting were unanimous in their condemnation of SBC plans to convert the rent office to a children’s home. Residents were advised that they have a voice at the planning meeting and that is the place to vent their anger.

23.06.2011 Parkview Update

After contacting SBC and the contractors we have been told that any cutting down will be minimal.

Part of email from SBC arborist to the  contractors FHM.

FHM intend to arrange pruning of 2 trees overhanging the development site from Village Park.  This is minor crown reduction only, to clear scaffolding during construction.  This is required for safe use of the scaffold and will have very little impact on tree cover from the park.  A reputable contractor, Olivers Tree Services will be doing this, working from the construction side (no vehicles or equipment will be taken into the Park’s grounds for this work).  

The Park boundary trees won’t otherwise contact or affect the building, therefore no further work should be required in terms of pruning to provide building clearance.  I understand future landscaping will also be done in this area and this will compliment the views of the Park and its trees.


23.06.2011 Planning Update

We are organising a meeting for 28th June at the Robert Atkinson, main item is the plans for the old rent office.

20.06.2011 Parkview

VPRA have been asked by residents to check on plans for the new home in connection with the trees overhanging the new build from the park.

SBC and planning to be consulted to try and clear any problems that cutting trees may cause.

19.06.2011 Northumbria in Bloom Plans Jeopardised

Thieves have stolen the new centre piece Boxus planting on the VPRA Flower Bed Opposite the Jolly Farmers Pub on Thornaby Road, Thornaby.

This is the first theft in the 5 years that the bed has been opposite the pub.

It is part of the Village Park Residents Association`s entry into the Royal Horticultural Society Neighbourhood Awards , a class that VPRA have had top marks in the three years  they have entered the competition. This year it is also part of Thornaby in Bloom`s entry into Northumbria in Bloom.

The plants were only put into the bed on the 12 th June and we will not be replacing with like for like. Alternative plants will be put in the spaces this week.

The annoying thing is these plants are readily available from garden centres and are quite cheap, the cost is not the issue but the wasted time and effort put in by a small band of volunteers to try and brighten up the area  when they could all have been doing something else.


18.06.2011 Redcar Road Home Plans.

Letters received today inviting objectors to the planning meeting.

Dear Sir/Madam


Conversion of estate office into children's home and erection of 1.8 metre timber fence


Former Redcar Road Neighbourhood Housing Office,Redcar Road,Thornaby,

I am writing to inform you that the above application is being reported to the Planning Committee meeting on 29 June 2011 in The Lecture Theatre, Stockton Library, The Square, Stockton starting at 1.30 pm

I am writing to everyone that has either supported or objected to the application in writing during the consultation period, to advise that there is the opportunity to address the Planning Committee at the meeting before the application is determined.


16.06.2011 NW Warning

Dear members & supporters,

There has been a recent upsurge in the number of prepayment electricity customers affected by a meter scam.  To read more and access links to a video and to a wide range of materials from the recent National Prepayment Meter Fraud Conference, please click here:

12.06.2011 NIB Planting

We planted up the flower bed at the Jolly Farmers. 120 Red Upright Geraniums should give a bright splash of colour along with the multicoloured lower growing Dianthus . We now have 2 Boxus as focal points in the middle of the bed.




10.06.2011 Wildflower Meadow

The new plants we put in the park meadow look to have taken with a lot flowering. 

09.06.2011 CFYA Replies

Replies today from CFYA, the manhole covers have been made safe and will be repaired properly today.

Horticultural services share our concern about the rose bushes and we are to organise a site visit in the near future  to discuss the way forward.

08.06.2011 NIB Planting.

We intend to get the Jolly Farmers Flower bed planted up this Sunday, a mix of home grown plants and bought in plants.TTC have granted us £150 to help with plants for the summer and towards the overall re vamp of the bed in the Autumn.

07.06.2011 Airmans Statue

VPRA have commented to CFYA on the way the shrub roses have been cut back and decimated over the winter around the actual statue. Coupled with the die back caused by the extreme winter there is little chance of the bushes covering. We have suggested they are dug out and bedding plants put in until the Autumn then replaced with some low growing more manageable roses.

06.06.2011 Complaints to CFYA

2 complaints from residents around the top of the area about grass cutters damaging drain and manhole covers. Reported to CFYA and urgent action requested.

04.06.2011 Emergency Life Support

Do you know what to do if a loved one or even a stranger in the street has a heart attack or cardiac arrest?

VPRA support the British Heart Foundation in their quest to have ELS training given to children in schools.

Click on the links to see what you know and for help if you are interested.

03.06.2011 Redcar Road “Home

Resident’s at last nights meeting were adamant that they do not want a children’s home in the old rent offices. SBC officer addressed the meeting but afterwards VPRA were asked to support the objections by residents. This was done and is viewable on the SBC Planning Portal., view plans here.

02.06.2011 Village Park

The Village Park has been very busy during this week with children off school looking for something to do.Plenty of football kick abouts and families using the play area and play trail.

01.06.2011 Redcar Road Rent Office

Reminder to interested parties there is a special meeting on Thursday at  7 pm, Robert Atkinson Centre.

SBC officers will be in attendance to discuss the plans for the proposed new childrens home.

01.06.2011 Park Wildlife Meadow.

Just received the report for the types of wild flower plants recorded in the new wildflower meadow before planting last month.

Black Medick, Broad-leaved Dock, Broad-leaved Plantain ,Bulbous Buttercup, Charlock,Cleavers

Common Chickweed ,Common Knotgrass, Common Mouse-ear, Common Nettle, Common Ragwort

Common Sorrel, Common Toadflax , Cow Parsley, Creeping Buttercup, Creeping Thistle, Cuckooflower

Curled Dock, Daffodil, Daisy, Dandelion, Fat-hen, Feverfew, Forget-me-not, Germander Speedwell

Hybrid Bluebell, Ivy-leaved Speedwell,, Lesser Celandine, Meadow Buttercup, Mugwort,Pignut

Ribwort Plantain, Selfheal, Slender Speedwell, Spear Thistle, Thyme-leaved Speedwell, White Clover

Wood Avens, Yarrow

Of these the plants normally found in meadows are Bulbous Buttercup, Common Mouse-ear, Common Sorrel, Creeping Buttercup, Creeping thistle, Cuckooflower, Daisy, Dandelion, Germander Speedwell, Lesser Celandine, Meadow Buttercup, Pignut, Ribwort Plantain, Selfheal, Thyme-leaved Speedwell, White Clover, and Yarrow.

Slender Speedwell is an alien plant and some of the others are more common on disturbed ground than in grassland reflecting the recent history of the area.

Of the grasses that were flowering there were the following

Annual Meadow-grass,Cock's-foot,Meadow Foxtail

There are other grasses present but not flowering and so hard to identify.

We planted the following meadow wildflowers during our planting session.

Betony ,Common Bird's-foot-trefoil, Common Knapweed, Common Restharrow, Cowslip

Greater Stitchwort, Lady's Bedstraw, Meadow Buttercup, Meadow Crane's-bill, Oxeye Daisy

Pignut, Primrose, Red Clover, Selfheal, Yarrow, Zigzag Clover



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