Since 2006 VPRA members have been organising bulb planting sessions around the area with over 50,000 spring bulbs planted.
Planting has taken place around Thornaby Green, Thornaby Road,The Airmans Statue ,Village Park and a lot of small areas where we thought we could brighten up our area.
We have entered into the Northumbria In Bloom competition in the past 3 years, winning the top Outstanding Entry on two occasions.
We have also been part of Stockton Borough Council`s team in their NIB and Britain in Bloom competitions during this time and are proud to have been part of winning entries for both Thornaby and Stockton. The culmination of everyones efforts was in Summer 2010 with Stockton representing the UK in the European Entente Florale competition. Stockton once again came up trumps winning a gold award.
Pictures and stories from previous years are on our In Bloom site along with the archive pages on this site.
During the summer of 2007 we decided to try and get residents involved with our floral efforts around the area.
The easiest way we thought would be a best garden competition and we named it Green Thumb

We asked staff from Stockton Council CFYA, Tristar and members of the public to nominate what they thought were the best gardens and then took pictures of them for our picture site.
Then we asked a panel of judges made up from the world wide Rosarian`s Corner forum to vote their best gardens from the online pictures. Judges from Australia , America and England mailed their results or posted them on the Rosarians Corner site.
They were all impressed with the standard of gardens nominated and some commented they wished they could do the same in America.
Since 2007 we have gone from strength to strength with over 50 homes being entered each year.
The overall winners get entered into CFYA garden awards and in 2010 we hit the jackpot with our 3 nominees winning the top awards.
Check the archive pages for more details.