Village Park Walk.
Especially handy if it’s been wet and you want a nice flat walk. There is a new footpath with children’s play trail around the park. Enter by any of the gates and head to the back of the bowls club. Walk anticlockwise around the park and you will see the path is marked out every 100 metres. The distance around the new path is 600 metres so its easy to gauge how far you want to walk or run.
Black Bobbies Walk (Half Hour Walk)
Starting from the Village Club area, follow the path on the Lower Green that takes you to the kissing gate to the river. Through the gate and down to the river, turn left and through the next gate to Black Bobbies Field. Here you have a choice, take the paths either left or right and head towards the fish haven and the footbridge. There is a well worn path that can be followed which takes you through the bushes to the upper Black Bobbies area, the walk can be done circular or just straight up and back. There are a lot of native British birds to be seen along this area as well as visiting migrant birds depending on the time of year. Care needs to be taken if straying off the main trods as there are lot of waterlogged bogs either side of them. Plus there may be anglers fishing on the riverbank.
Basselton Woods/Horseshoe Bend (1 hour + walk)
Starting at St. Peters Church head up to the upper Green and follow the road round to the right on Basselton Lane. Take the turning on the right, opposite the Stafford Cricket Club, down to the end of the road and turn left, through the gates and onto Basselton Nature reserve. Take care going down the slope and onto the Horseshoe Bend. Take the paths to the right and proceed around the riverbank up to the fish haven and around the bend, follow the paths back to your starting point and turn right into the lower part of Basselton Woods. Follow the paths through the bottom of the woods to the far end past the entrance to Basselton Beck. Take the Stoney Path to the left and this takes you up the hill and then you have a choice of taking the left fork back along the top of the wood and back to your starting point or keep on walking until you get to the old farm at the top of Basselton Lane. Turn left and follow the road right down Basselton Lane back to the Green.
Alternatively you can turn right at the old farm and head down the slope, along the cycle path back to the woods.