Welcome to the Village Park Residents Association. Thornaby on Tees
Your residents group for the Village Area. Membership is free to every household in the Village Area.
(Supported by Stockton Residents & Community Groups Association)
If you see any Anti Social Behaviour no matter how small call Neighbourhood policing on 302930
The VPRA News Blog (click here for past months)
Your VPRA at work reports for January 2011
Click here for CFYA Bin and Recycle Collection Days
29.01.2011 Bird Watchers
Saturday and Sunday are the designated RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch Days, if you have a spare hour then please take part.
More info click the bird 
28.01.2011 VPRA AGM
The AGM is now on Wednesday 9th February at the Robert Atkinson. Any nominations for committe places need to be with the VPRA Secretary by 5 pm. 4th February.
27.01.2011 Thorntree Road
The contractors at the Parkview development are working to keep the mess down with regular sweeps of the road and the entire length of Thorntree is now swept between 5 and 6 PM every workday. Pavements are to be washed off once adequate water is installed on site.
23.01.2011 Thornaby Green
Complaints today from residents around the lower green about the state of the path from the the Village Club down to th entrance to Black Bobbies. It has been caused by Northumbria Water vehicles getting stuck on the way to the sewage unit. CFYA have been informed and will be chased up this week.
22.01.2011 Village Park
The rubber grass matting is now in place around the new roundabout. This should keep the mud down and the grass should grow through once we get some warmer weather.
22.01.2011 Thorntree Road
The contractor for the new build at Parkview has written to residents on Thorntree Road appologising for the mess on the road and pavement since Xmas. Hopefully they will now try and keep the area cleaner now a lot of the build deliveries have been done.
The pavement is still covered in mud but we have approached the contractors to swill the pavement once they have water on site.
22.01.2011 Bus Users Forum
Dont forget if you have anything to say about the way the Public Transport is run in the Borough there is a meeting in the Arc at 10 am today. All welcome, The Arc is on Dovecot Street in Stockton.
21.01.2010 Damaged Railings
Take care if you are on Thorntree Road opposite Sainsbury`s. A vehicle has hit the guard fence next to the crossing. 4 sections are bent and twisted into the road and pavement. SBC were informed at 8 am to visit and repair
20.01.2011 VPRA AGM
Our AGM and next general meeting is penciled in for 10th February subject to confirmation from the Robert Atkinson Centre. We will be having the postponed Garden Awards presentations at the same meeting.
17,01.2011 Village Park
CFYA busy in the park installing the safety matting under the new roundabout. Hopefully this will cut out some of the muddy scenes of the past week. It will be grass seeded later in the year.
15.01.2011 Thorntree Road
CFYA have been keeping up the visits to the building site on Thorntree Road. John Walker has been attending twice a day to keep the pressure on the contractors. We have assisted CFYA today with pictures of the mess on the paths in order for them to arrange clean up on Monday.
14.01.2011 Basselton Lane
Road resurfacing has been taking place all week on Basselton Lane from Upper Green Lane to Whitehouse Road. This was came about partly from photographic reports sent to SBC by VPRA during last year and lobbying by Thornaby Councillors . Instead of patching the potholes as they did last year, SBC have cleared and resurfaced the road.
13.01.2011 Thorntree Road Again
More complaints in the last 24 hours about the state of the pavements and road at the Parkview Development. CFYA to be contacted again. VPRA reps to visit and take pictures at different times of the day.
12.01.2011 Scam Warning.
Another scam warning from Stockton Neighbourhood Watch.
[Reference: Computer Scam]
We have been given some information about a male that will phone you up claiming to be from Microsoft and that he will bring your computer up to speed by correcting all the errors on your computer system.
The conversation will be put in such away that if you don’t allow him to fix the errors for you untold problems will occur with your computer system (this is the scare tactics part of the scam)
The caller will ask you to press various keys on your key board then he will ask you to allow for remote access this is were he can take control of your computer and can look at everything on your hard drive.
If you receive a call like this simply hang up and do not allow any one you don’t know remote access to your computer system, Microsoft will NOT phone you at home asking if they can fix your computer system.
If you have a problem with your computer our advice is to take it to some one you know that can help repair it or take it to one of the major stores that deal in computer repairs.
Ron Baker
10.01.2011 Thorntree Road
After several complaints from residents over the weekend about the state of the pavements and road at the Parkview Home site we contacted CFYA to see what can be done. Liveability Technician John Walker was despatched to site and had talks with contractors and told them that mud should be cleared up as soon as the mess is made. This will be monitored by CFYA.
09.01.2011 Prambles
Stockton Council are running some walking exercise events for new mothers to help get back into shape and meet other new mums. Called Prambles they are on Wednesdays from 10 till 11 am, meet at the High Flyers Children’s Centre on Tedder Avenue. More info from sportsdevelopment@stockton.gov.uk
09.01.2011 Village Park
Despite the wet, muddy and somewhat frozen grounds in the park there are still plenty of people using it. The new roundabout seems to be very popular in its first week of use. The rubber safety matting is due to be installed around it this week weather permitting.
08.01.2011 Basselton Woods Walk
Advance notification of a planned walk in Basselton Woods arranged bt SBC Countryside Wardens. Saturday 19th. February Meet at Griffin Pub car park 2pm. The past two years events have been very interesting and informative. Well worth the effort if you have time.
07.01.2011 Health Walks
Weekly walks are planned every Tuesday during during January and February. Meet at the Thornaby Medical Centre.
If you fancy walking on your own or with friends then try out one of our recommended walks. Click here.
06.01.2011 Illegal Parking
Tickets being given out to motorists parking illegally outside Village School. Residents and parents have repeatedly expressed concern over the dangers posed to pedestrians in this area.
06.01.2011 Roundabout
Confirmation from CFYA that there are drain holes in the base of the new roundabout and should not be affected by excess rain.CFYA H+S inspector will keep an eye on things to make sure it does drain properly.
05.01.2011 Dog Fouling
Lots of complaints from residents about the amount of dog mess now the snow has cleared. CFYA are looking into the complaints. Litter pickers will be removing dog mess from pavements as they litter pick.
05.01.2011 Replacement Roundabout
The replacement roundabout has finally been installed in the Village Park. Questions have been asked to CFYA because the design appears to lack drainage. This was pointed out at the planning stage
04.01.2011 Website Rebuild
Following a hard drive burnout on New Years Day which stored all of the site building tools we have now had chance to get some of the site back up and running. We can now update the site, the old site pages are still online and will be linked as an archive to keep the newly revamped site easier to manage.We are trying a newer cleaner style and look forward to feedback.
Further updates will take place over the next few days.
02.01.2011 Womens Running
There is a women’s only running group starting on the 12 Th. Jan. It's aimed at ladies who don't currently run. Meeting at Sporting Central in Thornaby at 6 PM every Wednesday. Within 10 weeks everyone will be running 5k.
For ladies who already run, there is also a group running every Thursday from The Ebsworth Building at Durham University Stockton Campus, 6.30 til 7.30. We usually run between 4.5 and 5 miles, plus warm up and cool down. For more info visit www.womensrunningnetwork.co.uk or email nickyprsn@hotmail.co.uk.
01.01.2011 New Year 2011
A Happy New Year to all our residents and viewers around the world