Welcome to the Village Park Residents Association. Thornaby on Tees
Your residents group for the Village Area. Membership is free to every household in the Village Area.
(Supported by Stockton Residents & Community Groups Association)
If you see any Anti Social Behaviour no matter how small call Neighbourhood policing on 302930
The VPRA News Blog (click here for past months)
Your VPRA at work reports for November 2011
Click here for CFYA Bin and Recycle Collection Days
28.12.2011 Park Litter
Several complaints over the past 3 or 4 days from residents about the litter in the Village Park. Since Dean left we CFYA we have had a problem with litter not beeing cleared as often as we are used to. CFYA have been contacted to request they ask litter pickers to patrol whole park rather than just the main play area.
24.11.2011 Merry Xmas
Merry Christmas to everyone, have a good one and take care.
23.12.2011 Bin Days
Bin collections are on normal days during Christmas and New Year .So if your normal day is Wednesday then next week is the same.
21.12.2011 Yellow Lines
Stockton Council are pushing ahead with yellow lining on stretches of Thorntree Road, Area opposite the park with be no waiting zone making it a lot safer for pedestrians and motorists.
20.12.2012 Best Wishes
Speedy recovery and best wishes to local councillors Steve and Mick.
18.12.2011 Grit Bins
CFYA have filled grit bins this weekend for use by residents if needed. Bins are situated on upper and lower Green Lanes. If you need grit please only take enough for your own paths. We will inform CFYA when they need to refill if the weather requires it.
16.12.2011 Neighbourhood Watch
[Reference: Thornaby ]
We have had a report of a two in one burglary this happened some time after 20:00 last night from Mitchell Avenue.
A Black Vauxhall Tigra boot full of Christmas presents Registration number V400 KAY and also a Mini One Registration number NU11 DPZ were both taken from the address.
If you think you know who is committing crime in your area then please call the police on 326326 or speak with your neighbourhood policing team on 302930
14.12.2011 Village Green
The artists, and CFYA Horticultural officers met with VPRA to discuss the problems caused on the lower green. Although not ideal the artist has tried to cover over the larger ruts. CFYA will ensure that the correct remedial work is done as soon as possible in early spring.
12.12.2011 Black Bobbies
Work is ongoing on Black Bobbies putting in the new artistic features despite churning up the green and the paths.
12.12.2011 Lower Village Green
The lower green has been badly churned up by the people putting in the new features on the Black Bobbies Nature Reserve. They have undone all of the good work they are doing down there by the irresponsible actions driving a JCB along the wet areas on the green
We have been in touch with Stockton Council and they have assured us the green will be restored to its former pristine well manicured state.
07.12.2011 Urban Blitz
Urban Blitz are going to be working in the area in the new year. They are looking for areas to tidy up so if you know any please let us know. We have already put forward a couple of areas on the Lower Green.
06.12.2011 Black Bobbies
The Tees Valley artists have been out in the Black Bobbies area as well as up on The Holmes. Stone seats are to be put in Black Bobbies and they are going to re set the damaged memorial to Chris Mason into a large stone.
03.12.2011 Damaged Footpaths
Another success for VPRA this week although not in our immediate area. One of our reps out walking in Stainsby area spotted some badly damaged pavements and photographed then reported them to CFYA. They were inspected within 24 hours and repaired within 48 hours. Well done to CFYA technicians for reacting so quickly.
If you see any damaged pavements or potholes then report them to CFYA by e mail, phone or call in the Library. You might save someone having a bad trip or fall.
02.12.2011 Refuse Collections
Reminder that any bins not emptied on Wednesday will be emptied on Saturday 3rd December.
01.12.2011. 373 Thornaby Road
Some good news to start the month checking SBC Planning Portal. The change of use application was refused so at least for the near future we will not have the issues from a takeaway.