Welcome to the Village Park Residents Association. Thornaby on Tees
Your residents group for the Village Area. Membership is free to every household in the Village Area.
(Supported by Stockton Residents & Community Groups Association)
If you see any Anti Social Behaviour no matter how small call Neighbourhood policing on 302930
The VPRA News Blog (click here for past months)
Your VPRA at work reports for February 2012
Click here for CFYA Bin and Recycle Collection Days
25.02.2012 Neighbourhood Awards
E mail received today from Northumbria in Bloom confirming our entry has been included in this years competition.
24.02.2012 Thornaby in Bloom
VPRA reps attended last night Thornaby In Bloom committee meeting. Residents and businesses in the area are to be asked to help try and gain a Gold for Thornaby this year.
VPRA are to include pages on this site to showcase pictures from Thornaby from now until the Autumn. Starting with Spring Blooms
23.02.2012 Meadowfield House
Residents were invited to a sneak preview of the “New Parkview Home” tonight. First impressions were favourable. Nice big clean airy building. VPRA have been invited to help plan gardens and events with the management once they get settled in.
21.02.2012 Thorntree Road Traffic Calming
The new Puffin crossing is being installed outside the shops on Thorntree road. A lot of the traffic humps have either been removed or re aligned on the top section of Thorntree Road, two new pinch points have been installed which it is hoped will help with traffic calming.
20.02.2012 Village Park
Urban Blitz are working in the park this week to litter pick and do a general tidy up.
19.02.2012 Basselton Woods
If you are looking for an easy, dry walk you would be well worth checking out Basselton Woods and Horseshoe Bend. New gravel paths and sleepers have been laid right through the woods. It makes it clean and safe to walk through. Wild Garlic is just coming into leaf and will be available for harvest in a couple of weeks.
At the top of the woods there are a lot of areas covered in snowdrops.
19.02.2012 In Bloom
Crocus are now coming out all over Thornaby Green, this is the third year of flowering since we planted them all.In view opposite St Peters Church and the entrance to the Green Club.
18.02.2012 Thornaby Cemetery
The new Memorial Gardens and Wall are nearing completion at the cemetery. Adding another dimension to our award winning cemetery.
16.02.2012 Village Park
CFYA are working in the park at the moment cutting back shrubs, don’t worry they will soon grow back.
11.02.2012 Frozen Ponds
Residents are warned to keep their children off the ponds on Black Bobbies and Bowesfield Nature Reserves as well as the river.The ice is not thick enough to support body weights. Anyone falling in may not get out.
10.02.2012 Cold Weather Help
Please keep an eye on your elderly relatives and neighbours during this extreme cold spell. Its a known fact that elderly people will do without the additional gas or electric fires to keep warm all day.
08.02.2012 Village Park
Urban Blitz are due in the park this week to tidy up the hedgerows and litter pick. Once the weather picks up they should be about. CFYA litter picker will still be doing regular visits to the park including Saturdays.
04.02.2012 Snow Warnings
Weather reports today suggesting we may get heavy snow this afternoon and tonight, be prepared. Grit bins are filled up in the normal strategic areas and CFYA will replenish as required. Take care on pavements and side streets, they wil not be in the gritting plans for SBC.
01.02.2012 Sheree Daniels
Sad new over the past couple of days that Sheree Daniels has passed away after a battle with cancer. Sheree was agood friend to the VPRA both through her role at CFYA and being a resident in the area. She helped the area with its in bloom efforts towards winning awards for both Thornaby and Stockton. Funeral is at St Patricks Church today.