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July 2011

Welcome to the Village Park Residents Association. Thornaby on Tees

Your residents group for the Village Area.      Membership is free to every household in the Village Area.

(Supported by Stockton Residents & Community Groups Association)

If you see any Anti Social Behaviour no matter how small call Neighbourhood policing on 302930

The VPRA News Blog (click here for past months)

Your VPRA at work reports for July 2011

Click here for CFYA Bin and Recycle Collection Days

31.07.2011 Manhole Covers Thornaby Road.

Some months ago we were asked by residents opposite the Junction of Laburnum Avenue and Thornaby Road to help find a solution to the problem of loose and noisy manhole covers. We reported this to CFYA and Highways and were told that they were the responsibility of the Utilities Company who put them in. CFYA contacted the Cable companies who they belonged to and eventually it appears they have been re seated and the continual banging as cars go over them has stopped.

30.07.2011 Vandalism

2 houses in Lilac Avenue were targeted last night, paint and slogans daubed across doors and windows.

Police, Tristar and CFYA informed, CFYA attended and cleaned off the paint.

29.07.2011 Neighbourhood Awards

Notification for our judging day for this years competition will be Wednesday 3rd August.

28.07.2011 Potholes

Confirmation from CFYA that the reported potholes along Redcar Road have a work order and will be repaired in the very near future. The area has been visited and over 20 holes marked for repair.

27.07.2011 VPRA Meeting

Good attendance at tonight’s meeting and a broad range of subjects discussed.

VPRA are to have 2 representatives in communication with SBC during the build and implementation period for the planned new children’s home. Concerns were stressed again as to what type of residents the home will have. Residents were told not to judge the children until we know the details of the home plans.

Reports from EAPB and Eastern Area Highways meetings given.

Northumbria in Bloom report given and notification we are to hold our Green Thumbs Award judging during August.

25.07.2011 Airmans Statue

The new bedding around the statue is in full bloom and looking good.


24.07.2011 Potholes

Potholes reported to CFYA today along Redcar Road. Some quite big holes now causing problems.


23.07.2011 In Bloom

The flower bed at the Jolly Farmers lay by is now starting to blossom despite the dry then wet spells we have had recently.


22.07.2011 Next VPRA Meeting

Next meeting is Wednesday 27th July at the Robert Atkinson Centre,7pm start. Agenda details later.

22.07.2011 Bus Users Forum

Reminder for the Stockton Bus Users Forum this Saturday at the Arc on Dovecote Street ,10 am till noon.

If you want to complain about the buses or lack of them then go along and have your say.

21.07.2011 Barrage Area

If you have never been down to the Barrage or Infinity Bridge it is well worth the effort. Why not spend half an hour walking from Infinity Bridge to the Barrage, over to the other side and back up to the Infinity on the Stockton Bank. There is a good chance if the tide is up below the Barrage you will see seals looking for fish. Even possible you may see a salmon trying to get up river for spawning.

19.07.2011 Northumbria in Bloom

VPRA reps met up with the NIB judges and fellow Thornaby Bloomers for lunch at the Barrage today. Judges seemed very impressed by the way Thornaby folk care and look after the town.

17.07.2011 Dog Mess

Complaints received and passed on about the amount of dog mess around the Village Green. Some dog walkers are just bone idle, they are picking up the mess then throwing the bags in the bushes. CFYA to act on this.

15.07.2011 Northumbria in Bloom

Thornaby`s judging day is Tuesday 19th July. VPRA have been working all year with CFYA to help improve our area and have been rewarded with an invitation to meet the judges for a chat afterwards.

12.07.2011 Village Park

Notification received from SBC Arborist Stuart Hibbert  to say there will be some planned tree maintenance during July and August. A couple of dead trees to come down along with some tidying up of low branches. Replacements will be put in during the winter.

A dead tree opposite 204 Thorntree Road(outside of the park) is also to come down.

10.07.2011 Takeaway Planning

After more checking and investigating by VPRA reps it appears the planning app. for 373 Thornaby Road has been extended. The applicant has been given more time to put his case which in turn means anyone wantint to object should have the same options.

08.07.2011 Car Boot Sale

Concerned residents have been contacting VPRA all day re a planned car boot sale at the Old Thornaby Social Club on Sunday. While we cannot fault the club for trying to raise funds we have to make sure that our Village Green is protected. Enforcement will be in attendance to ensure no one is parking on grass verges or the green itself.

07.07.2011 Contact E mail

The server who provides our services have now decided to charge for supplying “ Free Email address`s “ . rather than waste money on a service that is often offline we are not using the old uk contacts.

Main contact address is Mail To Secretary Please reset your contact details to this.

03.07.2011 373 Thornaby Road.

Rumours around the area at the moment that the planned Indian Takeaway has been given the go ahead are unfounded. VPRA rep contacted Mr Grundy at SBC Planning and we were told that no decision has been made yet. The type of facility the planner wants is normally in a town centre or shopping centre development and Thornaby Police have also commented on ASB and possible detrimental increases if given the go ahead.

There is no date set for planning and we will pass this on once notified.

02.07.2011 Potholes.

After television reports tonight that Middlesbrough are starting a report it hotline we would like to point out that VPRA have been reporting potholes around the village to SBC for a couple of years. Normal repair time is 3 to 7 days depending on the size of hole. So if you have potholes in your street let VPRA or SBC know and it will be actioned.

01.07.2011 Richardson Road

VPRA have been approached by a number of residents in the Richardson Road, Holmes Close and Shepherds Close area of Thornaby to ask that we pass on thanks to SBC and its employees for the work tidying up our area. On Tuesday this week residents asked VPRA to complain about the fact that nature was doing its bit to make the area untidy.
Greenery was growing through various cracks and crevices to make it look like a ghost town. We told them that SBC would be keen to help and contacted CHRISTINE JAMES (A long term friend of our community) to have this put right.

Over the next two days the CFYA team made the area fit for a king to live in, clearing paths, pavement. and a whole host of areas to make it spotless. Thank you  CFYA from the VPRA and local residents to all involved, particularly Christine James, who has been an important link between the area and SBC once again.

01.07.2011  Public Transport Forum

Public Transport Forum

Saturday 23rd July 2011 at

Arc, Dovecot Street, Stockton Town Centre

10.00am to 12 noon

Find out about planned changes to public transport over the coming year.

01.07.2011 Children’s Home

Report in tonight’s gazette and online about the planning application and its victory  Gazette Online

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