Welcome to the Village Park Residents Association. Thornaby on Tees
Your residents group for the Village Area. Membership is free to every household in the Village Area.
(Supported by Stockton Residents & Community Groups Association)
If you see any Anti Social Behaviour no matter how small call Neighbourhood policing on 302930
The VPRA News Blog (click here for past months)
Your VPRA at work reports for March 2011
Click here for CFYA Bin and Recycle Collection Days
31.03.2011 Bus Passes
People who use the “ Free” Bus Passes will have to be a small fee from April 1st if they travel before 9.30 am. There are no restrictions after 9.30 am, fares will be 30p per journey before 9.30 am and then free after it.
31.03.2011 Fly Tipping
People who dump rubbish in their gardens and leave it there face the risk of being hit with Fly Tipping fines,SBC Enforcement Officers are on the look out for rubbish as they go on their patrols. Offending houses will be reported and if still there after a period of time, (10 -14 days) then they will be made to remove it and possibly be hit with a fine.
30.01.2011 Shop Fence
One of the items brought up at tonights VPRA meeting was the concern being raised about the new fence around the Chinese take away on Thorntree Road. Last year their old brick wall was destroyed by yobs and has now been replaced by a solid 6ft. steel fence. This has had two major effects on the area, firstly by tidying up the corner and more importantly taking away a lot of the ASB problems around the shops, With nowhere to sit and congregate the youths who used to hang about there have moved on.
The shop owners have been told that they have until the 14 th April to remove the fence because it was done without planning permission. VPRA and our ward councillors are supporting the shop owners in the plight to keep the fence.
29.03.2011 Last Shout
For Wednesdays VPRA meeting, 7 pm At the Robert Atkinson Centre.
28.03.2011 Daffodils Everywhere
With the warmer spell over the past week many of the 45,000 bulbs we have planted in the Village are coming into full flower. Some magnificent displays throughout the area.
27.03.2011 Planning Application.
Once again there is a planning application for 373 Thornaby Road for change of use from A1 to A5 use.
Planning App (11/0650/FUL) , as a group we have objected twice before for this change of use and it has been stopped. Once again if you care about the area around Thornaby Road and Laburnum Avenue especially if you live along there then you have the right to object. If you live nearby you should have had the planning app. documents and this will have details of how to object or support the application. If you are objecting then please state you “Strongly Object” and not just pass comment.
This will now be added to this weeks VPRA meeting at the request of residents who want help and support to stop the development. The shop has never opened as an A1 use so technically cannot get a change to A5 .
25.03.2011 Next VPRA Meeting.
Next VPRA meeting is Wednesday 30th. March 2011 at the Robert Atkinson Centre. 7.00 pm start
Agenda Items include,Thornaby in Bloom, Fencing on Fordy Grove, Village Park Update, New VPRA Office in the Community and a Butterwick Charity Event.
If you want to add anything then please e mail on the site link before 29th.
24.03.2011 Eastern Area Partnership.
VPRA sent information ahead of next weeks Eastern Area Partnership Board. Information is available via this link.
22.03.2011 Guitar Lessons
VPRA have been contacted to inform residents of the BCT affordable guitar lessons and music club aimed at children across the area. Not only will this provide something for the kids to do it could open a whole new door to them. See poster below.
21.03.2011 Manhole Covers
We have been asked by residents on Thornaby Road near the junction with Laburnum Avenue to see if we can put some pressure on CFYA to look at the noise being generated with vehicles running over drain and manhole covers. There are two sets a couple of yards apart and as witnessed today they are quite noisy.
We have asked CFYA to send a technician out to survey the problem.
20.03.2011 Park Problems
Last year we had problems with kids wanting to build jumps for BMX bikes in the park. They were digging holes and creating jumps near one of the main footpaths. This seemed to die off as the winter came on but this past weekend its reared up again. Yesterday our local PCSO stopped youths who were creating jumps in the same spot. Names and addresses were taken but that seems to have done no good. This afternoon they were back and digging again, making a mess of the path and also exposing tree and shrub roots.
Not only is it illegal to do this but it is dangerous for pedestrians especially with prams heading to and from the Town Centre shops.
An urgent meeting is being sought CFYA and Thornaby Police to see what can be done to stop this digging especially as we are creating a Wildlife Area within yards of it. |
19.03.2011 Trolley Dumping
Residents complaining about people dumping trolleys in the bushes around the Green. The trolley pictured was abandoned and set alight one evening this week. It has been reported to SBC but to catch the culprits residents need to report events if they see them. REMEMBER REPORT EVERYTHING!!!!
17.03.2011 Britain in Bloom
VPRA reps attended todays Thornaby in Bloom meeting along with other like minded folk from St. Cuthberts Court, Durham University Thornaby Campus, St. Francis of Assisi Church in Ingleby Barwick and officers from CFYA. Very good meeting and some good ideas pooled for the coming year.
16.03.2011 Teesdale Rats
Mail from SBC Enforcement tonight confirming they have visited the two areas concerned and that both offices have had visits and will be monitored for improvement.
15.03.2011 London Marathon
Notification today that our good friend James Hadman from SRCGA is doing this years London Marathon. If you want to support james in his efforts to raise funds for Butterwick then click here.www.justgiving.com/james-hadman
SRCGA are also organising events to support James so if you can pop along.
10.03.2011 Friends of Tees Heritage Park Arts Exhibit ion
The Friends of Tees Heritage Park are very pleased to invite you to a private view of the Arts Exhibition on Tuesday 22nd March from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm at Wellington Square, Wellington Square Shopping Centre, Stockton. On display will be the proposals for seven major art works which could become part of the River Tees landscape. The proposals have been produced by Tees Heritage Park resident artists Keith Barrett and Linda Watson. Their work has been inspired by the work of eight groups of young people from schools in Stockton Borough produced during an innovative community arts project which invited the young people to make their own art works which expressed their feelings and aspirations for the future Tees Heritage Park. All of their work will be on display in the exhibition.
07.03.2011 Litter Update
Update on litter problem around the area, message from CFYA that our old litter picker starts back on Tuesday 8th March. Should see a marked improvement in the area. Welcome back Dean.
07.03.2011 Thornaby Community Forum
The old Community Forum which VPRA had a vested interest in has monies left in its account and we are keen to see them dispersed properly. There have been statements made by would be councillors that the monies are to be split between the Help the Heroes and Air Ambulance Charities, which in principal we do not wholly object to but do object to the timing of the claims in the run up to the Local Council Elections. We have asked SRCGA who look after the account to delay any decision until after the elections to save any problems with claims and counter claims by all parties concerned.
06.03.2011 In Bloom
With the warmer weather over the past week there is a lot of colour coming through, crocus are out all around and the daffodils are not far behind. Makes all our bulb planting sessions worthwhile.
06.03.2011 Litter
Once again the Village Park is litter strewn this morning, partly a sign that it is getting plenty of use and that locals are not either educated to put rubbish in the bins or they don’t care.
It looks like we will have to start our own litter picking teams on weekends to try and keep the place to the standard we would expect.
It was also noticed that Laburnum Avenue was a mess, looks like it has not been cleared this week. We will be taking this up with CFYA and also contact the local shops to see if they can help.
04.03.2011 Britain In Bloom
We have been contacted by CFYA for ideas where to plant some saplings as part of the RHS Big Tree Planting Weekend at the end of this month.
First option was opposite the Airman Statue but this has been ruled out due to main gas mains running underneath. Second option is the new Wildlife Area in the Village Park, we are waiting for this to be given the green light by the council arborist.
CFYA want to plants some on Linear Park in Mandale Ward and we will be glad to help out if available.
03.03.2011 Electioneering
As always the VPRA will not be drawn in to the electioneering arguments between the various political parties in the run up to this years Local Council Elections. We will comment if statements are made that are incorrect or to the detriment of residents in our area.
02.03.2011 Potholes
CFYA have been busy around the area doing temporary and mid term repairs to potholes around the area. If there are any on your road then let CFYA know or report it to us and we will get them out to check and fill.
01.03.2011 Rat Problems
Take care if cutting through Teessdale estate as there is an ever increasing rat problem. The area past Saiinsbury`s between the Advance and Petroplus buildings is becoming increasingly messy and rats are feeding daily from thr rubbish.
CFYA have been asked to have words wit the office owners to get things tidied up.