Welcome to the Village Park Residents Association. Thornaby on Tees
Your residents group for the Village Area. Membership is free to every household in the Village Area.
(Supported by Stockton Residents & Community Groups Association)
If you see any Anti Social Behaviour no matter how small call Neighbourhood policing on 302930
The VPRA News Blog (click here for past months)
Your VPRA at work reports for November 2011
Click here for CFYA Bin and Recycle Collection Days
27.11.2011 Redcar Road Childrens home
The home is nearing completion, the car parking area is currently being dug up and relaid ready for the opening. It does look smart but comments from local “council house” tenants are not complimentary. It would be nice for their houses to be painted and tidied to the same scale.
26.11.2011 Parkview Update
The scaffolding and sheeting is now down around the new home and it show how big and bright the imposing building is.
25.11.2011 Thornaby Town Centre Tree
The official switch on of the Town centre lights is today at 5 pm by Mayor Ian Dalgarno.
24.11.2011 Pension Strike
Advance warning that bin men will be on strike on the 30th November when unions take industrial action. If your bin day is normally a Wednesday then next week will be Saturday 3rd December instead.
23.11.2011 373 Thornaby Road
Planning decision due on the change of use expected today. We have objected as a group as well as supporting residents from all around the area. We dont need any more take aways adding to mess and ASB in our area.
21.11.2011 Parkview Home
The new build home is nearing completion on the external works. Scaffolding and shuttering is now coming down and the home is looking very impressive even though it is such a large imposing building.
20.11.2011 Redcar Road Children’s Home
The home is really starting to look smart, external paint work underway and scaffolding now down. Still waiting for SBC to contact us about meetings before the home is due to open. We had an agreement with them to allow two residents to meet on a regular basis to help formulate rules and regulations prior to people moving in.
18.11.2011 Spring Bulbs.
We are now in receipt of bulbs for this years planting session. Bulbs courtesy of Nigel and Dave at CFYA. Once again thanks guys.
17.11.2011 Village Club
List of objections received today from SBC for the application to extend hours. VPRA have made objections on behalf of residents and have also offered to meet with club officials to see if we can work with them to improve relationships with residents. So far this offer has not been taken up. We do not want the club to suffer financially but they do have a duty of care and consideration to local neighbours. If club users persist in rowdy unsocial behaviour then they will not keep any additional license they apply for.
13.11.2011 Thornaby Remembers
Todays service at the Cenotaph brought out probably the biggest attendance for years despite the dull damp morning.
Wreaths were laid by local politicians and Councillors, schoolchildren, members of the forces and more importantly veterans from the forces. Click on picture below to see pictures from today.
12.11.2011 Children’s Home
The new childrens home on Redcar Road / Ayton Road corner is progressing. The roof has been stripped and replaced, exterior walls are currently being clad. A lot of internal electrical works have been done and all of the windows replaced with double glazed units.
12.11.2011 Thornaby Cemetery
New development in the cemetery coming along well. New lawns and paths laid on the old fields and memorial wall built.
11.11.2011 Thornaby Library
Dont forget the Winter Bazaar from today until Sunday in the Pavillion Library.
10.11.2011 373 Thornaby Road
The long awaited planning application for change of use at 373 Thornaby Road to a Hot Food Takeaway will be heard on 23rd November at The Lecture Theatre in Stockton Library. Starts 1.30 pm. If you have objected you should be getting an invitation to attend.
10.11.2011 Easter Area Traffic Meeting
VPRA rep will be attending tonights twice yearly meeting at the 5 Lamps offices. Normally this meeting will just be an update from the May meeting for items planned for the year.
We will be bringing up parking issues again especially on Thorntree Road. Traffic calming will also be on the agenda.
07.11.2011 Bader School
06.11.2011 Parking
Following complaints last month from residents about contractors parking around the Parkview development we e mailed the main contractor but had no replies. We have now notified SBC Highways manager and Enforcement. If contractors cannot be responsible and respect our area then they will be hit with fines.
05.11.2011 Fireworks
Reminder for tonight to take care with bonfires and fireworks. Keep your pets safe and be sensible.
Stockton Fireworks display is now starting at 8pm. to allow people time to get back from the late kick off at Middlesbrough.
02.11.2011 Postal Scam
We have reported this one regularly over the past year or so but the alerts are out again with us nearing xmas.
Postal Scam:
Can you circulate this around especially as Xmas is fast approaching - it has been confirmed by Royal Mail. The Trading Standards Office are making people aware of the following scam:
A card is posted through your door from a company called PDS (Parcel Delivery Service) suggesting that they were unable to deliver a parcel and that you need to contact them on 0906 6611911 (a Premium rate number).
DO NOT call this number, as this is a mail scam originating from Belize.
If you call the number and you start to hear a recorded message you will already have been billed £315 for the phone call.
If you do receive a card with these details, then please contact Royal Mail Fraud on 020 7239 6655.
For more information, see the Crime Stoppers website:
01.11.2011 Car Break Ins
Reference: THORNABY
There has been a small trend in crime in the area in the last 24 hours the streets below have been targeted.
Knighton Court (Stainsby Hill) Theft from Fiat Punto Lock attacked and wine stolen from the Boot.
Stanstead Way (Stainsby Hill) - Theft from Fiat Punto Door lock attacked and entry gained. Glove compartment ripped off and loose change was stolen
Shackleton Close (Stainsby Hill) - Theft from Fiat Punto Drivers door lock attacked Not sure if anything taken.
Sherwood Road Thornaby (Villages) - Theft from insecure Citreon Saxo Wallet stolen. The Wallet was later recovered on Sherwood Road.
If you know anything about any of these crimes please contact the Police on 326326.